Sunday, September 13, 2015

Snow White

This was the first time I watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in at least 8 years. Here are some of my observations from the film:
  • Walt Disney credits his staff
    • Many articles we have read in class, indicate that Disney portrayed his company as a one man show. The movie begins with a shout out to his wonderful staff for making the production possible.
    • Perhaps this was just the style back in the day, but the opening credits Displayed people's names for far longer than you would see today. The audience was given time to read every name. Today, hundreds of names fly by every second.
  • Simplistically/Slapstick 
    • The story line was very basic and there was not a whole lot going on in terms of plot or character development. It would be very easy to give a summary of the film to someone who had never seen it before.
    • There was a lot of slapstick comedy especially with the dwarfs. The movie spend a lot of time focusing on the dwarfs and animals doing funny/playful tasks that didn't add much to the story.
    • Dialogue was pretty limited, and it mostly was used in furthering the plot. Music seemed to be more prevalent than it is in movies today.
  • Grimm's Fairy tales
    • The basic plot of Snow White was strikingly similar to that of the Grimm's tale. Snow White was aimed at a younger audience and being a film, it was able to add a lot of humorous animation that didn't add much to the story.
    • Certainly the Grimm's tale was darker than the Disney version, although I was surprised by how Dark the Disney version was. Nowadays, I don't think Disney would address the topic of death so freely, nor portray an antagonist trying the put someone's heart in a lockbox.
  • Snow White
    • Snow White was not a very independent or strong character, and it seemed that she was handed gifts due to her beauty. The assassin pitied her, the dwarfs were infatuated with her, the prince searched for her, and even the animals assisted her.
    • Snow White is a pretty passive character who is innocent and weak. She is often helpless and relies on others to help her out. She is seen as waiting for her love rather than seeking it.
    • Her relationship with the prince is very underdeveloped. She hardly says a word to this man that she believes to be her true love

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